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❤T HappyT birthdayT toT theT loveliestT andT mostT gorgeousT womanT inT theT world.T YouT meanT theT worldT toT me,T dearT sister.
❤T ThankT youT forT beingT myT oneT andT onlyT bestT friend.T HappyT birthdayT sister!
❤T HappyT birthdayT sister!T ThankT youT forT beingT suchT andT supportiveT sisterT andT bestT friend.T IT loveT you!
❤T HappyT Birthday,T sister!T ThankT youT forT alwaysT beingT suchT anT amazingT sister!
❤T HappyT Birthday,T sister!T SendingT allT myT loveT andT prayers!T MayT youT haveT aT blessedT yearT ahead!T ManyT happyT returnsT ofT theT day.
❤T HappyT Birthday,T sister!T MayT GodT keepT showeringT hisT loveT andT blessingsT onT youT andT mayT weT getT toT celebrateT moreT happyT daysT Together!
❤T YouT areT aT blessingT inT myT life.T HappyT birthday,T littleT sister!
❤T DearT sister,T IT hopeT youT knowT thatT youT meanT theT worldT toT me.T
❤T ThankT youT forT savingT myT assT andT takingT careT ofT me.T HappyT Birthday!
❤T YouT areT literallyT theT bestT sisterT ever.T HappyT birthdayT toT theT mostT awesomeT sisterT ever!
❤T OnT thisT specialT day,T IT wantT youT toT knowT thatT youT areT theT sweetestT andT loveliestT sisterT inT theT world.T IT loveT youT soT much.T HappyT birthday!
❤T ItT isT saidT thatT sistersT areT anotherT formT ofT angelsT onT earth.T YouT sureT areT oneT forT me!T HappyT birthday!T WishingT youT aT greatT yearT ahead!
❤T WarmT hugsT andT bestT wishesT toT myT littleT sisterT whoT growsT wiserT everyT day.T OnT yourT specialT day,T IT hopeT andT prayT thatT youT continueT toT amazeT meT theT wayT youT alwaysT do.
❤ HappyT birthday,T sweetT sisterT ofT mine.T HaveT aT wonderfulT dayT andT makeT lotsT ofT memories.
❤T DearestT
sis,T hopeT youT haveT aT spectacularT birthdayT bash.T YouT deserveT it.
❤T HappyT birthdayT sis.T IT promiseT toT continueT toT beT theT bestT siblingT ever.
❤T HappyT birthdayT toT theT loveliestT sisterT ever!T StayT blessed.
❤T HappyT BirthdayT myT littleT sister!T StayT blessed.T ManyT happyT returnsT ofT theT day!
❤T ThereT isT noT oneT inT theT worldT moreT adorable,T fun-lovingT andT caringT thanT youT myT sis.T TakeT myT warmT wishesT asT youT addT oneT moreT yearT inT yourT life.T HappyT birthday!
❤T YouT haveT alwaysT beeT theT sourceT ofT inspirationT forT me.T YouT understandT meT likeT noT oneT else.T HappyT birthdayT toT you.T MayT youT haveT aT cheerfulT lifeT ahead!
❤T HappyT Bday!T WishingT youT toT haveT lotsT ofT funT andT receiveT loadsT ofT loveT today!
❤T HappyT BirthdayT toT theT mostT specialT personT ofT ourT family!T WeT loveT youT soT much!
❤T HappyT birthdayT toT theT amazingT sisterT inT theT world.T MayT youT haveT aT joyousT celebrationT ofT thisT day!
❤T PeopleT
haveT idolsT whoT areT celebrities,T famousT personalities.T ButT IT foundT myT idolT inT you.T IT loveT theT wayT youT areT andT IT respectT it.T HappyT birthdayT toT theT amazingT sisterT inT theT world.
❤T WeT were T not T bornT fromT theT sameT wombT butT IT believeT we T shareT theT sameT soulT inT twoT differentT bodies!T Happy T birthdayT toT theT otherT partT ofT myT soul!
❤T YourT lifeT isT aT giftT fromT God.T AndT GodT wantsT youT toT makeT theT bestT useT ofT it.T HappyT birthdayT dearT sister.
❤T HappyT birthday,T dearT sister!T YouT makeT everythingT feelT atT ease.T IT alwaysT wishT thatT allT yourT dreamsT comeT true.T EnjoyT yourT dayT toT theT fullest!
❤T HappyT birthday,T sis!T YouT areT theT oneT runT toT wheneverT anythingT isT happeningT toT me!T YouT willT alwaysT beT myT secretT keeper!T YouT areT myT oneT inT aT million!
❤T HappyT birthdayT toT you,T youT lookT likeT aT monkeyT andT youT belongT toT theT zoo!T IT wouldT alwaysT chooseT youT asT myT sister,T forever.T HappyT birthday.
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